Cookie Confidant Frequently Asked Questions
How do I best enjoy the taste of Cookie Confidant Cookies?
First, find where you put that large box of Cookie Confidant cookies. They could be in the freezer, pantry, refrigerator, on the counter next to the stove, or in your bed from the night before. If you can’t find the box you can always order more because you probably finished all of them without realizing it. If you find the box of cookies pick it up to appreciate the weight of all that goodness. Open the box and take out a single cookie, and then hide the cookie box to prevent unintentional theft. Before you bite into the cookie hold it up to your nose and smell it first to get your mind in a heavenly space before you bring heaven into this reality. Tell your mind 10 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit is all it has to wait before you unleash the Cookie Confidant dopamine rush and fire those neurons into a pleasure frenzy. After ten minutes in the oven cut the cookie into four if friends are present and you are in a sharing mood, or shove the entire half pound cookie in your mouth, and try to set a new Cookie Confidant world record. How you choose to enjoy your Cookie Confidant cookie can be your yummy little secret.
How do I preserve cookie freshness for months?
You can put the cookies in the freezer to preserve cookie freshness for months. If you cut the cookies into halves or quarters before freezing them you can make yourself enjoyable portion sizes you can share with friends and family, and you can be sure you will only bake the ‘right’ amount of cookie all the time. Take the cookie out of the freezer and put it in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 10 minutes and enjoy the warm cookie gooey goodness in every bite.
Do you have caloric information available on your cookies?
The best way we can tell you to answer this questions is for you to close your eyes, hold the cookie to the sky, and imagine the number of calories you want the cookie to be and it will be so. You can also consider counting calories as counting your blessings, and cookies are blessings. 🍪🍪🍪🍪
Can I try different cookies in a single dozen? YES ABSOLUTELY
We now offer two different cookies in a single dozen. Make sure you have joined our Cookie Confidant Instagram and Facebook pages to keep up to date with new products, services, and to find out when will have a physical Cookie Confidant location in Houston, TX.
Do you sell a half dozen cookies?
Since we only currently ship and deliver cookies in Houston, TX and the surrounding areas selling a half dozen would not cover our expenses to get the cookies delivered or shipped to you. After we have a physical Cookie Confidant location in Houston, TX we will be able to offer a half dozen cookies for sale.
Can I pickup my cookies from your business location?
We do not yet have a brick and mortar location in Houston, TX yet where you can pick up your cookies. We only offer cookie delivery and cookie shipping at the moment. When we have a physical location available for you to pick up your Cookie Confidant cookies we will let you know if you have joined our Cookie Confidant Instagram and Facebook pages.
Why is the cost of shipping $22 per dozen cookies shipped?
Shipping Cookies is a very delicate process. Special care and packing in separte boxes is needed to ensure your cookies arrive in perfect condition. The level of quality and care that goes into creating our cookie confections is the same level of care we take when shipping cookies to you. We wrap each cookie individually in a sealed plastic pouch to ensure freshness, and we do not stack multiple boxes of cookies in a single box to prevent them from geting crushed. We guarantee the cost you pay for shipping will be well worth the pleasure and happines from every bite.